Why does the risk of malaria and dengue increase in summer? Know everything about it and how you can prevent it.

During summer people enjoy sunshine and holidays to the fullest. But the sad thing is that mosquito-borne diseases like malaria and dengue also increase rapidly in this season. Leaving the door net open allows mosquitoes to enter the entire house. Even a small hole in a mosquito net can cause mosquito attacks.

Many families apply mosquito repellent cream or use nets to keep mosquitoes away. But these insects reach everywhere.  Today we will know what is the reason for their population increase? How do they spread diseases? And which type of mosquito is the most dangerous? We will talk about what measures should be taken to avoid this. 

Mosquito terror during summer

Hot weather is the main reason for mosquitoes to flourish. Increased temperature increases the life of mosquitoes. The population of mosquitoes increases very rapidly in this season. 

Our summer habits can also contribute to the increase in mosquito-related diseases. We spend more time outside, putting ourselves at risk of mosquito bites. Additionally, due to the heat, people store water in containers around their homes. In which mosquitoes breed rapidly. 

Why do mosquitoes bite?

Mosquitoes bite for only one reason because their food is blood.  Female mosquitoes need protein to lay eggs. They work by piercing the skin, sucking blood and secreting saliva (which causes itching). Males do not bite, they just suck blood. 

How many types of mosquitoes are there?

More than 3,000 species of mosquitoes have been identified worldwide, each with slight variations in appearance, behavior, and the diseases they transmit.

There are only 100 species of mosquitoes that bite humans.

Mosquitoes can be found in a variety of areas, including wetlands, forests, deserts, and even urban areas. The type of species of mosquitoes depends on their habitat.

There are some species of mosquitoes that are actually predators, eating other insects and worms. This type of mosquitoes can help control insect populations.

Mosquitoes go through four different life stages. Like egg, larva, pupa and adult. Depending on the species and climate, the entire life cycle may take at least a week.

Which mosquito is the most dangerous?

There are many different species of mosquitoes that spread a variety of serious diseases.  Here are details of some of the most worrying things.

Anopheles mosquitoes cause serious diseases like malaria. A potentially fatal disease that especially affects young children. Malaria is a major health concern in tropical and subtropical regions.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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