Bihar: Regarding Dhirendra Shastri, BJP Mla Jeevesh Mishra said – Country and state do not belong to anyone’s father

Politics intensified on the arrival of Pandit Dhirendra Shastri
– Photo: Amar Ujala


Pandit Dhirendra Shastri of Bageshwar Dham is going to narrate Hanumat Katha from May 13 to 17 in Patna. The rhetoric has intensified in the political corridors of Bihar regarding his arrival. In this episode, BJP MLA Jeevesh Mishra, a former minister of Bihar government, while attacking the government of the Grand Alliance, said that RJD and JDU are creating a whole world only to please the Muslim community. If there is opposition to Sanatan Dharma gurus, then it will be wrong. Because this country and state does not belong to anyone’s father. The people of Bihar will answer this.

Tense on Lalu Prasad Yadav

The same Jeevesh Mishra said that Tej Pratap Yadav is continuously giving blatant statements about Dhirendra Krishna Shastri. But he should remember that his father Lalu Prasad Yadav does not even give the right of equality between his two sons. One son has 5 departments lying with him, while the other son has only one department. You all know what kind of department that too is. What Tej Pratap Yadav says and what he does not say. No one takes them into notice. What is the perception among the general public about Tej Pratap Yadav. You all know very well.

Does this country and state belong to someone’s father?

The same Jeevesh Mishra said that Dhirendra Shastri of Bageshwar Dham is a religious saint. He is coming here and will deliver his discourse. He has lakhs of followers, will talk to him. What is there to worry about in this. On the other hand, Jeevesh Mishra said that this country and this state belong to someone’s father, who can stop anyone from coming. The people make the Chief Minister, this is the people’s state. The people here are the owners. Neither is it the kingdom of anyone’s father. Will we not let it come and let it come. Will saying all this help? Baba of Bageshwar Dham will come on the injury of Danke and will talk about himself.

This is why the matter is hot

Tej Pratap Yadav, Forest and Environment Minister of Bihar government, said that if Bageshwar Baba works to make Hindu-Muslim fight, then I will oppose him. Patna airport will be surrounded. After which the political mercury of Bihar has increased a lot. Pandit Dhirendra Shastri is going to narrate Hanumat Katha from 13th to 17th May in Patna. On May 15, a divine court will be held, in which Baba will take out the names of the people.

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