India Omicron Subvariant BF.7 Three Cases China Coronavirus Case Rising

Coronavirus In India: Three cases of Omicron’s subvariant BF.7, responsible for increasing cases of Kovid-19 in China, have also been reported in India. Official sources have given this information on Wednesday. Officials said that the Gujarat Biotechnology Research Center had detected the first case of BF.7 in India. He said that so far two cases have been reported from Gujarat, while one case has been reported from Odisha.

In a Covid review meeting chaired by Union Health Minister Mansukh Mandaviya on Wednesday, experts said that although there has not been an overall increase in the number of Covid cases so far, there is a need for continuous monitoring to track existing and emerging patterns.

This subvariant increased cases in China

According to sources, various cities in China are currently in the grip of highly contagious variant Omicron of Covid, mostly BF.7, which is the main variant spreading in Beijing. Due to this, there has been a huge jump in the cases of Kovid infection in China.

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Why is BF.7 dangerous?

BF.7 is a subvariant of Omicron’s variant BA.5 and has a wider infectivity and shorter incubation period and higher potential to cause reinfection or even infect people who have been vaccinated has gone It has already been found in several other countries including the US, UK and European countries like Belgium, Germany, France and Denmark.

Investigation of those coming from China started

In view of the cases of corona virus in China, the Government of India has come into action mode. The Ministry of Health has asked to check those coming from China at the airport. Now people coming from China will be investigated. The ministry has issued guidelines related to this to the officials. The source of the Ministry of Health has told that there are 10 different variants of Corona in the country, the latest variant of which is BF.7. Along with this, delta variants are also being seen at some places in the country.

Government on alert in India, must wear mask

Union Health Minister Mansukh Mandaviya chaired a meeting on Wednesday to discuss the Covid situation in India. After the meeting ended, Mansukh Mandaviya said, “Kovid is not over yet. I have directed all concerned departments to be alert and strengthen monitoring.”

After this meeting, Niti Aayog member Dr. VK Paul advised people to wear masks in crowded places to prevent the spread of the virus. Dr. VK Paul said, “If you are in a crowded place, indoors or outdoors, use a mask. This is most important for older people.”

read this also- ‘Make sure to wear a mask in crowded places’, seeing the situation in China, Niti Aayog’s VK Paul alerted. big things

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