snake anti venom Medicine for snake bite is made from horses blood what is so special about horse

Snake venom is considered the most dangerous in the world. But do you know how snake anti venom is made? Today we will tell you what is used to make medicine for snake poison. Know how medicine is made from horse blood.

snake venom

Let us tell you that every year more than 2 lakh people across the world die due to snake bites. Due to lack of anti-venom vaccine, more than 50,000 people in India alone die from snake bites every year. Let us tell you that in India, most deaths due to snake bites occur in Andhra Pradesh, Odisha, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and Bihar.

anti venom injection

Anti-venom injection has been created to prevent deaths due to snake bites around the world. But do you know how anti venom injections are made? Let us tell you that along with snake venom, horses also have a big contribution in making anti-venom injection. Apart from this, sheep’s blood is also used in making anti-venom injection. Let us tell you that sometimes the lives of horses and sheep are also lost in this attempt. Still their blood is used in making anti-venom injection. In simple language, these animals put their lives at stake to save the lives of humans.

How is horse blood used?

Let us tell you that to make anti-venom injection in India, the venom of four species of snakes, cobra, viper, krait and Russell’s viper, is collected. After this, scientists make poison powder. After which this powder is sent to drug manufacturers. Pharmaceutical companies make an injection from the powder. A few drops of this injection are injected into horses or sheep of a particular species. As soon as they are poisoned, their immune system starts producing different types of antibodies. Due to this, the effect of poison gradually ends. These antibodies are extracted in the form of serum from the bodies of horses and sheep. Let us tell you that pharmaceutical companies had used it on many creatures including rats, monkeys and rabbits to make anti-venom injection, but were not successful.

artificial human antibodies

Scientists have also succeeded in preparing artificial human antibodies to deal with snake venom. Research published in the Science Translational Medicine Journal has claimed that the effect of antibodies has been found to be 15 times more than that of traditional products. More than 3,500 species of snakes are found around the world. However, only 600 of these species are poisonous. Out of these 600, only 200 species are known to attack humans. But these 200 species become the cause of death of more than 50,000 people in India every year.

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