Major Tech companies are coming together to fight AI generated and deep fake content before election

Deep Fakes: Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Deep Fakes have presented many challenges in the digital world. From legends like Sachin Tendulkar and Ratan Tata to many Bollywood and business personalities have become its victims. Now it is feared that the general elections to be held in India can be influenced through AI and deepfakes. In such a situation, big tech companies have geared up to prevent their misuse in elections. All of them will work together to keep the democratic process free from the influence of technology. Elections are going…

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Microsoft Announces Designer Ai Tool Available For Preview Will Compete With Canva

Microsoft Designer AI Tools: If you do any work related to graphics, then you must have used Canva. This is a graphic designer tool that you can access through the website. In this, the user can prepare postcards for birthdays, special cards for weddings, posters, banners, etc. There is also a paid version of Canva, in which some other premium features are available, with the help of which it becomes easier to create any project. To compete with Canva, Microsoft has been working on its AI powered designer tool for…

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80 lakh rupees for removing the mask, but the woman rejected the offer, the billionaire shared the story

If someone tells you to just take off the mask and you will get 80 lakh rupees. You will be shocked, and probably will take the final decision that what will happen if you take off the mask for some time. You will get that much money. But a woman rejected this offer. You must be thinking that someone must have said it in jest, but it was not a joke. This offer was given by Steve Kirch, one of the American industrialists and veteran tech tycoons. At that time…

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