Most Expensive mobile Phones in the world price 2024 diamond and gold plated phones look

Most Expensive Mobile Phones Price: In today’s time, people like to have expensive smartphones. But do you know which are the five most expensive smartphones in the world and how much do they cost? Gold and diamond have also been used in these phones. The big thing is that among these expensive phones, the price of even the cheapest phone is around Rs 18 crore. Mobile companies around the world launch their mobile phones with new features. Phone makers launch mobile phones for customers of every segment. Companies sell budget…

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This poisonous frog is sold for lakhs know why it is in demand all over the world

With the arrival of rains, frogs start appearing everywhere. But today we are going to tell you about a poisonous frog whose price is in lakhs. Yes, you heard it right that this frog is worth lakhs. Know where these frogs are found. poisonous frog The frog we are talking about costs around Rs 2 lakh. But there is so much poison inside it that it can kill 10 people at once. Despite this, it is in demand all over the world. According to BBC report, it is known as…

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The world’s most expensive cheese is made from the milk of this animal you will be shocked after hearing the price

Who doesn’t like to eat paneer vegetable? Paneer curry is often prepared during festivals and special events. But do you know that as much as the taste of cheese is there, it is equally beneficial. Today we are going to tell you about the world’s most expensive and nutritious cheese. This cheese is so expensive that you can buy a gold chain for the price of 1 kilogram. World’s most expensive cheese The world’s most expensive cheese is also called Pule cheese. The price of this luxury cheese is around…

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