IAMAI-Kantar study reported that 45% Indians still do not have internet access

Internet Users in India: The number of people using internet in India is increasing rapidly day by day. In the last decade or so, there has been a huge jump in the number of internet users. First 2G, 3G, 4G and now 5G services have also started in India. In the year 2024, crores of telecom users of India have left 4G service and started using 5G service, because now they are finding the speed of 4G internet less, but do you know how many people of India still do…

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In Pakistan, men and women vote differently you will be surprised to know these rules

Voting for general elections is going on in Pakistan today. According to the information, 26 crore ballot papers have been printed for election voting. Whereas out of the total population of 22 crore, 12.69 crore voters are exercising their franchise to elect the new government. Today we are going to tell you how men and women vote differently in Pakistan. How many polling booths have been made for women and men in Pakistan? Women are not allowed to vote Even today, in many areas of Pakistan, men do not allow…

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