America angry over meeting between Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping threatened Beijing on western Country Relations

US on Putin China Visit: Vladimir Putin is on his first foreign visit to China after being elected President of Russia. During this, a meeting took place between Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping. The United States has become angry after this meeting. America attacked Beijing and said that the country cannot have ‘both ways’. In fact, during the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine, western countries are supporting Ukraine and continuously imposing sanctions on Russia. In such a situation, Russia is actively seeking China’s support. Reuters said, China supports Russia…

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Russia Ukraine War Russian army is entering Ukraine fierce war going on in Kharkiv city

Russia Ukraine War: The Russia-Ukraine war seems to be intensifying once again. Dangerous fighting is going on in Kharkiv city of Ukraine. Last Friday, the Russian army had launched an attack in this area. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said that his army has tried to stop the Russian army from advancing in the border areas, meanwhile a fierce war is going on between the two countries. Ukraine has replaced the Kharkiv front line commander amid the war. Commander in Chief of the Ukrainian Army, Alexander Sirsky, has described the situation…

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Russian Drone Attack In Ukraine Kharkiv civilian areas 6 Killed Russia Ukraine War Vladimir Putin Volodymyr Zelenskyy

Russia Drone Attack on Ukraine: The war between Russia and Ukraine has been going on for a long time. Russia carried out a drone attack on Kharkiv, Ukraine’s second largest city, on Friday night (March 5), in which 6 people died and 10 others were injured. This attack happened when people were sleeping in their homes. After the attack, there was screams all around. Information about the drone attack was given by the National Emergency Services and the City Mayor on Saturday (6 March). According to the report of news…

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Russia Election 2024 Exit Poll Says Vladimir Putin has won 87 vote percent set to be re-elected as president. Russia Election 2024: Exit poll makes big claim about Vladimir Putin

Russia Election 2024 Exit Poll: Exit polls regarding the presidential elections held in Russia on March 15-17 have made big claims about President Vladimir Putin. According to the results of exit polls, Vladimir Putin is expected to get 87% of the votes and it is almost certain that he will be re-elected as President. News agency Reuters, quoting an exit poll by pollster Public Opinion Foundation (FOM), said that Vladimir Putin got 87.8 percent of the votes, which is the biggest result in Russia’s post-Soviet history. Reuters said in its…

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Russia Ukraine War 16 killed 50 injured Russia missile attack Ukraine Odesa

Russia Ukraine War: The ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine is not ending. Meanwhile, news is coming that 16 Ukrainian citizens have died in the Russian attack. This news was confirmed by Ukraine itself on Friday (15 March 2024). Officials there say that Russia has attacked the city of Odessa with a missile. In which 16 people have died, while more than 50 people have been injured. Ukraine has described this terrible attack as the biggest attack ever by Moscow. Regional Governor Oleh Kipar, while sharing the information on Telegram…

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15 passengers died in Russian plane crash in Ivanovo

Russia News: A Russian Army plane met with an accident on Tuesday (March 12). There were a total of 15 people in it. All 15 people died in the accident. The accident happened in Ivanova, north-eastern area of ​​Moscow, the capital of Russia. According to local media, the plane caught fire just after it took off on Tuesday and all 15 people present in it were burnt alive. The aircraft Ilyushin-II 76 took off from an airbase in western Russia; according to the Russian Defense Minister, the accident occurred due…

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Who is Faisal Khan Baba Vlogs YouTuber allegedly sent Indians to Russia Ukraine war

Indians in Russia Ukraine War: CBI has exposed a big network of sending Indian youth to the Russia-Ukraine war by luring them with jobs abroad. Regarding this, CBI also conducted raids at many places in India. CBI has named 17 agents in this case, who used to trap people by giving them false assurance of well-paid jobs in Russia. In this case, the role of a person named Faisal Abdul Mutallib Khan has come to light, who had promised many people high salary jobs in the Russian Army. He runs…

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Indians duped in Russia Ukraine War CBI investigation how Indians being trapped in war due to agents know full details

Indians in Russia Ukraine War: The news of Indians getting trapped in the war between Russia and Ukraine that has been going on for the last two and a half years is in the headlines. The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has raided many places in this case. FIR has also been registered. According to a report by NDTV, 17 agents and such companies have been named in the CBI FIR who used to trap Indian citizens by giving false assurances of good jobs and high salaries in Russia and…

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S Jaishankar befitting Reply on Russia Ukraine War slams Western Countries silence over India territory occupied

S Jaishankar on Russia-Ukraine War: The war between Russia and Ukraine continues. In response to Japanese media’s question on India not criticizing Russia on Ukraine war, External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar on Friday (8 March) said that when India’s territory was occupied by another country, the world did not recognize this. Maintained silence on the matter. Even today, some parts of India are occupied by other countries, but we have not seen the reaction of the world on this matter by invoking principles. According to the report of HT, Foreign…

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CBI raid Against those Foreign Agents who sent Indians to Russia Ukraine war Indian foreign ministry

CBI Raid Against Foreign Agents: The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has busted an international network related to human trafficking. This gang used to take Indians to the Russia-Ukraine war zone under the guise of providing them jobs abroad. Central agency officials gave this information on Thursday (March 7). The agency has raided more than 10 places in seven cities. Officials said the agency has filed FIRs against several visa consultancy firms and agents. During the search, many people have been detained and Rs 50 lakh has been seized. A…

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