The only country in the world where there is only 1 poisonous snake, the rest are not dangerous, do you know its name?

Snake is such a creature that if it comes in front of a human, then the human starts trembling. Then he does not even see whether that snake is poisonous or not. According to National Geographic, there are more than 3000 species of snakes in the world. Out of these, 600 species are poisonous, out of these 200 are such that can kill humans or cause serious harm to them. There are some countries where there is not a single snake. There is not a single snake in places like…

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Pool party in a moving car, boys arranged it by tying a tarpaulin, but such a mistake happened that the whole game got spoiled!

Social media is such a thing where everyone wants to be popular. For this, people sometimes even do strange stunts. A YouTuber was doing the same when one of his moves backfired and his entire plan went in vain. Allegedly, he was copying a scene from a popular Malayalam film, which made him understand the difference between reel and real life. What do people not do to get likes and views? While doing something similar, a YouTuber Sanju Teki and his friends made such a mistake that they had to…

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Use your sharp eyes and spot a deer in the picture, the challenge is not easy at all!

Nowadays, many such riddles keep going viral on social media, which test both your mind and eyesight. One such optical illusion is confusing people right now and people are failing to find its correct answer. The riddle that we have brought for you today looks easy, but is a bit confusing. Optical illusion is an illusion of sight, in which you have to find the right side of the picture. Sometimes it is so confusing that even after searching a lot, you do not find the thing. This time the…

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You will be shocked and your eyes will remain wide open when you see the size of a cat, as big as a woman, but you won’t believe it!

There are many people in the world who fall in the category of cat lovers. That is, they love cats very much. Cats are small, they are easy to handle, they do not bother much. But when you see this cat living in Russia, you will probably not love it, but will feel scared. That is because it is so big that after seeing it, you will feel as if it is a wild cat or a creature like a Puma. It looks very angry from the face and many…

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A 2000 year old grave was found while digging the ground, there were such skeletons inside, experts were surprised, was there a sacrifice?

There are many such secrets related to ancient times buried in the womb of this earth, which keep coming out with time and keep surprising people. Recently, one such strange secret has been revealed by French archaeologists. There is a 5th and 6th century place in Villedieu-sur-Indre in central France, where France’s National Institute for Preventive Archaeological Research has discovered many skeletons. According to the Guardian website, skeletons of about 28 ancient horses (France 28 horses in grave) have been recovered from these 9 graves which are 2000 years old.…

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The woman thought she had won a lottery of 2 lakhs, when the truth came out, she lost her sleep and became dizzy!

Sometimes fate hides something for us that we have no idea about. Something similar happened with a woman, with whom something happened that she had not even expected. Let us tell you its interesting story. A simple ticket took the woman from one place to another in a moment, this whole incident is quite exciting. If you get even a thousand or five hundred rupees without working hard, then there is no limit to your happiness. According to the report of Daily Star, a woman thought that she has won…

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A man returned after seeing the world 2000 years ahead! Claimed – ‘The golden age will return after the darkness, there will be no worry or fear’

Who doesn’t want to know about future events? This is the reason why many people have been making claims about the coming time. Some people claim to have divine powers, while some claim to accurately predict a person’s future through astrological calculations. Time travelers are now included among such people, who claim to go ahead in time. These events are not just happening today but have been happening since long. One such person had presented a complete list of upcoming events to the world. Till now the claims were only…

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CA breaks up, sends 7 months’ bill to girlfriend, asks for half the amount for everything from cigarettes to coffee!

For any couple, the time of breakup is full of pain and difficulties. People do so much for each other in their relationship that when the relationship ends, all those things start to seem dishonest. However, some people are more worried about the expenses made in the relationship than the relationship. The same thing happened with a boyfriend, who was a chartered accountant by profession. When he broke up (CA boyfriend send expense breakup viral post), he was not worried that his girlfriend would leave him, but he was more…

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Take this eye test, you have to find ‘DATE’ in the picture, the time is just 10 seconds!

The art of confusing the eyes or rather the art of testing our observation skills is called optical illusion. Sometimes such pictures get captured automatically in the camera and sometimes some artists create such pictures that it takes hours to find one thing in them. We have brought one such picture for you today. In the picture you can see that there are many spellings written at one place. You have to find the date from it. You have a total of 10 seconds for this. You have to complete…

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Forget cobra and krait, this is the most dangerous snake, it spits so much poison in one go, it will kill 100 people!

Snake, one of the most dangerous creatures in the world. If it is seen even on TV or social media video, then the person starts trembling with fear. What can be said about his reaction when he comes in front of it. There may be hundreds of snakes of different species on this earth, but which of them is the most poisonous and where does it live? Is it found in India, and what can happen if it bites? Let us tell you everything about this snake, but before telling…

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