The cellar was hidden in the old house, the person accidentally opened the lock, saw such a sight, did not dare to go inside!

If you go to an old house, you want to know every inch of it. It is a different matter that the people living in such houses have knowledge of every nook and corner of it. However, sometimes it happens that the owner himself does not know that there is some mysterious basement or hidden place in the house, which has never been used. Same thing happened with a person also. On social media, he told about such an incident that happened to him, after listening to which you will…

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A 29 year old girl fell in love with a 63 year old man, the lover gives her clothes and jewellery, she said – ‘Love is true!’

There was a time when mismatched marriages were considered a curse. But in today’s time, people willingly have a love affair or marry a person who is older or younger than them in age. You must have heard about many such couples whose age gap is quite large. Similarly, an Australian girl is in the news these days, whose lover is actually a senior citizen. He is 34 years older than her (Boyfriend girlfriend age gap). Her lover always gives her expensive clothes and jewellery. Seeing this, people troll the…

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The photo of the glamorous dress was seen on the internet, the woman felt like ordering it, when the order came, she was shocked to see it!

Nowadays people like to do online shopping. A beautiful model is seen wearing clothes in a glamorous style, seeing which people feel that the same dress will look exactly the same on them. Or they think that the dress will be similar in reality as shown in the picture. But this illusion is often broken. This might have happened with you too. Whatever you might have seen online (Woman order catsuit online funny post), that thing might not look the same when it comes in your hands. This also happened…

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Ozone Layer Facts: If the ozone layer disappears, what will be the condition of the earth, what will be the effect on humans?

When a person builds a house, he definitely builds a boundary wall around it. The function of the boundary wall is to prevent animals or any intruder from entering the house. Anyone who wants to come can enter through the main gate. In simple words, the ozone layer also works in a similar way. It protects the earth from dangerous UV rays coming from the sun. So have you ever thought that if this ozone layer (What If the Ozone Layer Disappeared) suddenly disappears, then what will be the condition…

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Did the Romans use urine as mouthwash? Used to dye clothes also! Know what was the reason

The customs and traditions of ancient times were quite different from those of today. In that period, people were hunters, farmers, and also used natural things in their everyday life. But some things are so strange and strange that today’s people get astonished when they hear them. If we talk about the ancient Romans, they also used to do many strange things. The Romans are famous for one thing. Those people used urine (Romans use urine to clean clothes) for mouth wash, washing and dyeing clothes. Mental Floss website reports…

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Have you ever seen an elephant painting? Gajraj made a beautiful picture by holding the brush with his trunk, people said – ‘Impossible!’

There are many such skills in the world, which a person can easily learn after reading or understanding. Skills like mathematics, science, cycling, driving a car etc. can be taught to humans. But painting is a skill which cannot be taught. This quality is present in a person from the beginning, it can only be honed. But have you ever seen any animal painting? A human being can understand a lot about painting just by watching a video or joining classes, but imagine how an elephant (Elephant painting viral video)…

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‘Abbu says don’t make a vlog!’ Last video of Pakistan’s youngest vlogger, said this to fans while crying

Nowadays, the trend of vlogging on social media has become so much that from young people to old people, you will see everyone doing vlogging. Vlogging is a genre of video making, in which people show things related to their everyday life through videos. They do not do any special editing in these videos, because of this, watching vlogging, you will feel as if you yourself are a part of that video. These days, there is a lot of discussion about a child from Pakistan, whom people call the youngest…

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Why is this old door of Delhi called ‘Khooni Darwaja’, what is its history? know everything

Delhi, the city of hearts, is known for its beauty as well as its unique history. This city has seen the rule of many rulers. Many unique buildings were built here during his rule, which are quite famous even today. The names of these buildings are sometimes quite strange. His history is also quite shocking. One such building, or rather an ancient door, is in Delhi, whose name is Khooni Darwaza! (How Khooni Darwaza of Delhi got its name) Do you know why it got such a name? Khooni Darwaza…

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The couple was so engrossed in romance, the boyfriend started strangulating the girlfriend, what happened next will shock your soul!

Cinema and social media have such an impact on people that they start implementing the things seen in them in their real life. They do not even understand that most of the things seen in films are imaginary. Many such films have been made in which adopting a violent nature during romance has been shown to be a common thing. Seeing these scenes, couples also experiment in real life but problems arise for them. The same thing happened with a British couple, who did such a thing during romance (Girlfriend…

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You have to find ‘toffee’ in the picture, this task is not easy, find it calmly, the challenge is of 30 seconds!

Can You Find Hidden Sweet: Nowadays many types of puzzles go viral on social media and these puzzles are also liked a lot. One such optical illusion is confusing people at the moment and people are failing to find the correct answer. You have to find a candy hidden somewhere in the picture. This puzzle is as complicated as it looks, but equally difficult to solve. In this picture you can see many food items and the challenge is that you have to find one sweet among them. You have…

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