The only tree in the world that kills birds, takes life as soon as it sits on the branch!

Most plants depend on birds and insects for pollination. Plants release sweet fragrance into the air, which is eaten by birds and insects. That is why many birds are attracted towards them. But there is a tree on earth which takes the lives of birds. These trees attract small birds to make nests in their branches. And when birds sit on their branches, their sticky seeds stick to their feathers. As a result, they become so heavy that after some time they fall on the ground and die of hunger. Or they are eaten by predators. That is why these plants are also called killers of birds.

The name of this tree which is infamous all over the world for killing birds is Pisonia Plant. They are also called “bird catcher” or bird catcher. Its middle is quite long, which is covered with a thick gel-like sheet. Which is quite sticky. They also have a small hook, which easily sticks to almost anything. Their seeds grow in big tangled clusters. Each bunch can contain from a dozen to more than two hundred seeds. Whenever a bird sits on the branches of this plant, these trees stick to the bird’s feathers in order to spread its seeds. Later he dies due to this reason.

dangerous for sea birds
Pisonia tree flowers twice a year. These plants, which usually grow on Caribbean islands, are fatal for sea birds. When sea birds sit on top of Pisonia to make a nest, and when their babies hatch from the eggs, the sea birds fly away because they are strong. But these small children get entangled in sticky clumps. Even a handful of seeds becomes fatal for them. They become unable to fly and fall.

Sea birds visible on every tree
Many times they die on the trees themselves. Their dead bodies are seen hanging from the branches. Surprisingly, despite it being so dangerous, many sea birds like Pisonia trees. They build nests on them. Give birth to their own children. Beth Flint, a wildlife biologist with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, says it’s rare to see a Pisonia tree that doesn’t contain seabirds.

Tags: Awesome Awesome, Khabre hatke, Weird news

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