When will the earth end? What do scientists think about the cataclysm, know interesting facts

Various claims are made regarding cataclysm on earth. Sometimes doomsday is predicted after a thousand years and sometimes after a lakh years. But what is the truth? What do scientists think about this? Is the date of the end of the earth really approaching? After all, how will the cataclysm come on earth? Let us know about the interesting fact..

It is said in the scriptures that during Kaliyuga, humans will commit so many sins that people will move away from God. Then there will be darkness all around. After this there will be doomsday and everything will be destroyed. But what does science believe? According to a report published in Nature Geoscience, The end of the Earth will probably be due to the Sun. Scientists estimate that such a situation will occur approximately one billion years from now. By then, the Sun’s radiation will vaporize Earth’s atmosphere. Will absorb all the oxygen. Due to this, animals will stop getting oxygen and everyone will die. The earth will appear just a barren rock.

Plants will also suffocate
According to researchers, the radiation emanating from the Sun will start eliminating oxygen from the atmosphere in the coming time. After this, carbon haze will start increasing rapidly on the earth, due to which humans, animals and even plants will start suffocating. The water in the oceans will dry up. First of all, the earth will heat up rapidly and the amount of carbonate-silicate in the atmosphere will increase rapidly. As a result, there will come a time when a situation of cataclysm will arise.

will cause the destruction of the earth
Scientists believe that after this the earth will start cooling down very rapidly. Glaciers will melt and the entire earth will be submerged in water. Only a few places will be left where there will be no water. After thousands of years the earth will start becoming a ball of ice. Then there will be only snow all around the earth. Ocean and land will be seen merging into each other. From this you can understand that today the Sun, which is an essential source of gravity and energy, will one day become the cause of the destruction of the Earth. It will swallow our blue marble earth.

Tags: Bizarre news, The news is coming, Weird news

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