If rashes are appearing on this part of the face then do not take it lightly, know the reason and treatment.

Jawline Acne: If acne is appearing on some parts of the face i.e. cheeks and forehead, then be careful. Such donations should never be taken lightly. This can also be a sign of poor health, so you should be alerted immediately. When ABP Live talked to Dermatologist Dr. Ashish Gupta regarding this, he told that the appearance of acne on the cheeks or only on the hair line (Jawline Acne Causes) can also be serious. Mistaking it for mere pimples can prove harmful. Know why this happens…

acne on hairline

Hair products can also be the cause of acne on the hair and facial lines, which retain natural oil in the hair follicles. If pimples appear frequently on the hairline, then you should change your hair products.

acne on cheeks

If acne is appearing on the cheeks, then the reason may not be hormones or oily face but dirty phone screen or dirty pillows. When the phone is placed in the ear, the bacteria stuck to the screen stick to the cheeks, due to which rashes start appearing. Then due to touching the face or dirty pillow cover, acne appears on the cheeks.

acne on jawline chin

If pimples always appear on the jawline or chin, it could also be due to changes in hormones. Due to disturbances in the endocrine system, androgen hormones are produced, due to which the oil glands become very active and block the pores. These hormones become more active before periods. This can be got rid of only by balancing the diet.

nose and forehead

If pimples are appearing on the forehead and nose, then stress can also be one of the reasons for this. The reason for this is increased oil production on the face. According to a study, people who wake up tired in the morning are more likely to develop acne on their forehead.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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