Matka: How does the water in the pot get cooled, what technology is there in this indigenous freeze?

It is scorching heat in the entire country including the capital Delhi. However, people definitely get relief from light rains in between. But despite that the heat is not decreasing. In summer, most people like to drink frozen water because it provides relief. But when there was no fridge, there was pot in the houses. Do you know how water gets cooled in a pot or jug? Today we will tell you the reason behind this.


As the heat increases, people want to drink cold water. Because this gives them relief in this scorching heat. But even today there are many people who prefer to drink water from an earthen pot instead of the fridge. Let us tell you that the water kept in the pitcher gets cooled, while its taste has a sweetness.

How does the water get cooled 

Question This is how water gets cooled in an earthen pot. Let us tell you that there are countless small microscopic holes in the walls of an earthen pot. Due to which water keeps seeping, the surface of the pitcher always remains wet. Water comes out through these holes and transpiration continues. The process of transpiration i.e. the process of evaporation of steam is called the cooling process. 

Is Matka water beneficial?

Let us tell you that there are many benefits of drinking Matka water. Are there. In many reports, different benefits of drinking pot water have been mentioned. According to the information, this strengthens your immunity and gives strength to your body to fight any disease. It also increases the level of testosterone in your body. Apart from removing problems like acidity, it also gives relief to your throat. Matka water is beneficial for the body, but the water should be changed after cleaning the pot.

Matka water is better than freezing it.

Many experts have said that Matka water is better than fridge water. It protects you from many diseases. Drinking refrigerator water during summer makes you suffer from cold. But drinking Matka water does not cause such problems. That’s why experts also recommend drinking Matka water. You must have felt many times that drinking frozen water does not quench your thirst when you feel thirsty, but drinking Matka water quenches your thirst. 

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