Chewing gum while studying helps in studying better… It is not us who say this, but a study says this, read it here

Eating gum is a trend among most of the youth around the world. In school bus, college, metro, in most of the places while travelling, especially the youth like to eat gum. But do you know that studying after chewing gum helps in better studies. Yes, studying after chewing gum helps in better studies. This is not us saying this, but a research is saying this. Know what the research has revealed about chewing gum.  Eating chewing gum  Youth around the world including India like to eat chewing gum. Not…

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Love Brain Disorder: Girlfriend used to make more than 100 calls to her boyfriend a day, know what is this ‘Love Brain Disorder’

You all must have heard many stories, songs and music about love. But today we are going to tell you about a disease caused by love. Yes, you read it right, there is a disease related to love which is called love brain disorder. Know what this love brain disorder is. Are you or any friend around you suffering from this? Today we will tell you about this disease and its symptoms. Love Brain Disorder The love and passion for has become so dominant that the woman wants to know…

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How Oxygen Reach Brain: How oxygen reaches from one corner to another in the brain, scientist researched and explained the reason for this.

The human body is made up of many interconnected systems. Everyone works together for the body. There are other systems including the nervous system, cardiovascular system, respiratory system, digestive system and musculoskeletal system. But do you know how oxygen travels in the brain? Actually scientists have done research on it. Today we will tell you about it.  Oxygen in the brain  The human brain functions entirely on the energy generated and it Depends on oxygen. However, how oxygen is distributed in the brain still remains a mystery. At the same…

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A fish which has no brain but still remains alive, what is the reason?

Strange species of animals live all over the world. In such a situation, there are many creatures which are quite surprising to see. Some animals have some organs like humans. The brain is something that most living beings have, but do you know that there is a fish which has neither a brain nor blood. Still she remains alive. So let us know about that fish today. This fish does not have a brainActually, we are talking about the star fish found in the seas. This fish does not have…

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what is popcorn brain how can it harm for mind and health

Popcorn Brain Fever: Have you also become accustomed to changing channels every minute while watching TV? We are unable to focus on one page on mobile and our mind wanders towards other things. If your brain is running towards other things again and again like a child and you are not able to focus, then you are definitely a victim of popcorn syndrome. Yes, the number of victims of popcorn syndrome brain is increasing across the world. What is popcorn syndrome? This is a kind of syndrome in which the…

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what is monkey brain know how to control your monkey mind

Monkey Mind: You must have seen the monkey many times, the monkey always keeps running, jumping from one place to another. He never sits still, he always keeps running here and there. Monkeys are compared to humans, but did we tell you that sometimes our brain also behaves like a monkey. Yes, such a condition of the brain is called monkey brain. Monkey brain is a situation in which the brain does not stay focused on one thing like a monkey and keeps running from here to there. Let us…

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7 warning signs of a stroke, vision problems start appearing 7 days before, run to the doctor as soon as you see them

Stroke Warning Signs: Brain attack itself is called stroke. Due to lack of proper blood supply to the brain, its blood vessels burst, due to which oxygen is not able to reach properly and the brain stops functioning. At such a time, if immediate treatment is not provided, life may even be lost. However, stroke never comes suddenly. Before its arrival, many stroke warning signs start appearing in the body. A study has found that 43 percent of stroke patients had felt its symptoms about a week before the stroke.…

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Can someone be saved after being brain dead, know what experts say

Brain Dead: Brain dead is a fatal condition. When this happens, the brain is no longer active and there is no movement in the body. This is such a serious situation that the life support of the person is stopped and he is declared dead. There is not just one but many causes of brain dead. According to statistics, brain dead is the cause of death of 15 to 20 thousand people every year all over the world. Let us know the reason for this dangerous situation and the ways…

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After all what is a brain chip Know how it will work in the human brain

Elon Musk, one of the richest businessmen in the world, has performed a new feat. In fact, his company Neuralink has claimed to implant a brain chip in a human being. Elon Musk told that this process is called telepathy. He told that the disabled people will get the most benefit from this brain chip. Today we will tell you what is brain chip and telepathy and how it works. What’s so special about this chip? • The Neuralink brain chip is the size of a coin. This chip can…

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A new recipe has been found to stay young forever, there is no need to eat anything special, you will have to do this work

A lot of research has been done to slow down the pace of aging. In this, sometimes some diet is said to be effective and in others, a special way of exercising is suggested. But the new study has yielded a unique result. In this, along with improving the health of the brain, the life span is longer and the brain also does not age quickly, which means that the youth of the person also remains. In this interesting study, scientists emphasized the role of controlling diet, i.e. eating less…

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