What if two suns start shining on the earth’s sky, this will be the condition of humans.

Years ago, when scientists saw some planets millions of light years away from the Earth, not one but two or more suns were shining in their sky. In such a situation, the thought came to his mind that if the Earth also had two suns, then what would be the life of humans on Earth. Let us tell you about this in detail in this article today. What would have happened if there were two suns on Earth? Scientists have the answer. As an example. A few years ago, scientists…

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How many stars are there in the sky? Scientists now have the answer

Due to pollution in cities like Delhi, stars are sometimes visible after rain. But the skies of the villages are still filled with the glow of these stars. In childhood, children often look at the sky and count the stars, but this counting is so long that it is almost impossible to complete it. However, now some scientists have claimed that they have answers to the question, how many stars are there in the sky? is the answer. Let us know today in this article how much strength is there…

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Monash University Heat Wave Report how many people die every year in India due to heat wave

‘It is very hot today, keep the house open, the east wind will come from its street at night.’ The East East that Khalil Rampuri is talking about in this couplet is currently missing from North India. There is heat wave havoc here these days. It is raining on the streets after 10 o’clock in the day. Meanwhile, a research by Australia’s Monash University has come out, in which it has been claimed that heat waves and hot winds are responsible for 153,078 deaths occurring every year across the world.…

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Biopiracy: Be it America or Europe… now we will not be able to steal the traditional knowledge of Indians.

Imagine that one day you are sitting in your courtyard and pounding or grinding ginger, black pepper, cloves, a small piece of cinnamon and some basil leaves on a mortar… suddenly a foreign guest arrives there. Come and while talking to you, know that you are going to grind all these, boil them with water and prepare a decoction which will cure any kind of cold, cough or fever of a person. Then after some time, you come to know through newspapers or news channels that the foreigner to whom…

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How will India rivers connect with each other Know what is river linking project

India is a country rich in canals and rivers, who supplies us with drinking water, However, there are many areas which are vulnerable to drought., In such a situation, the central government is bringing a project to get rid of this problem., whom ,River Interlinked Plan, being known as, In this project, interlinking of all the rivers is being considered., In such a situation, let us know how this will be possible., 1958 The plan was given in The idea of ​​river linking project in India was first conceived by…

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That fruit which takes 2 years to ripen, some people are afraid to eat it

Eating fruits is considered very good for health, Although many people are fond of spicy food and rarely like to eat fruits, But do you know about a fruit which some people are afraid of eating?

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Sweet as honey, then why is it called ‘Langra Mango’, who gave it this strange name, know the interesting story

How Langda Aam Got its Name: Shakespeare said, ,“What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell just as sweet.” That is, ‘What is there in a name, if the rose was called by any other name, it would still smell as beautiful…’ This saying related to the name is interesting, but this statement of Shakespeare is not always true. Many times there is a lot hidden behind the name. For example, if you want to go to Varanasi, you will have to…

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