The girl is allergic to water, she feels bad as soon as she touches it, people asked – how do you take bath?

There are different types of people in the world and they have their own physical problems. Some problems are easily managed, but some are so difficult that they make daily life hell. A girl named AB has a similar problem, who is allergic to water. A girl can drink water but she can bathe to her heart’s content. It is said that water and air are two essential things for humans. Imagine, if someone becomes allergic to just one of these important things, how much of a problem would it…

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​Weird And Mysterious Disease Know About Boanthropy

Cold-cough, fever, headache, back pain and don’t know how many such diseases are there, about which you will tell quickly. But there is such a unique disease, which is called the world’s most mysterious or strange disease. A person suffering from this disease starts behaving like a cow or a buffalo. When this disease happens to a person, he starts grazing on grass like a cow or a buffalo. This is a very unique disease and it can happen to any man or woman. What is the name of this…

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