6 foods that may Increase your risk of cancer read full article in Hindi

Cancer: Due to poor lifestyle and eating habits, the risk of many serious diseases increases. There are many people who drink a lot of processed food, cold drinks and alcohol. Such people need to be careful.

Improvement in diet is very important

According to health experts, red meat and alcohol contain a lot of chemicals. Consuming too much sugar and fat significantly increases the risk of intestinal, breast and liver cancer. These things are put in the category of carcinogens. Which increases the risk of serious diseases like cancer.

According to the report of ‘Daily Mail’, it is very important to remove things that promote cancer from your life. For example, processed meat, alcohol, red meat, sugar and fried foods should be completely removed from your life. This increases the risk of cancer significantly.

WHO’s disclosure

According to the ‘World Health Organization’, statistics show that in the year 2020, more than 1 crore people died across the world due to cancer. But the important thing is that serious diseases like cancer can be avoided but you need to make some special improvements in your diet and lifestyle.

Definitely avoid these 4 things

processed meat: Researchers say that to reduce the risk of cancer, one should stay away from processed meat. Also remove processed meat like sausage, bacon, hot dogs from your diet completely. All these are food items which significantly increase the risk of cancer. Processed meat can contain meat from any animal. To make it edible for a longer period, nitrate is used in it so that it remains preserved for a longer period. Such meat is processed for a long time through curing, smoking and salting.

Liquor: The risk of cancer increases significantly due to drinking alcohol. Drinking excessive alcohol increases the risk of mouth, throat, breast, liver and bowel cancer. Drinking alcohol poses a great risk to cells. It can also damage the liver and kidneys. Processed meat significantly increases the risk of cancer. Eating red meat increases the risk of colon, stomach and pancreatic cancer. Processed mead is a 2A carcinogen. This increases the risk of cancer significantly.

junk food: Junk food is not good for our health. One should avoid eating too much sugar and sweets as it increases the risk of cancer. People who eat more processed food and saturated fat, sugar and salt can cause great harm to their health. One should stay away from cakes, biscuits, pastries, crisps, sugary drinks and pizza and burgers. It does not contain any kind of nutrients.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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