Is beedi more dangerous or cigarette? find out today

Smoking Side Effects: How dangerous things like cigarettes and beedis are for the body is printed on their packets. When you are inhaling it, you are inviting deadly diseases like cancer. However, even after knowing how dangerous it is, those who are fond of drinking it are unable to give it up. In such a situation, this question arises in the minds of many people that beedi would be more dangerous or cigarette? Let us know the answer to this question today.

Is beedi or cigarette dangerous?
In India, there are more people who smoke beedis than cigarettes. It has become very important in the lives of many people. Although warnings are clearly written on cigarette packets, but according to medical reports, beedi packets lack the necessary warning. 

In such a situation, if the question arises in your mind that which is more dangerous between cigarette and beedi, then let us tell you that beedi is a flammable tobacco product. Its smoke contains 3 to 5 times more nicotine than cigarettes. Which is dangerous. Smoking beedi increases the risk of mouth, lung, stomach and esophagus cancer manifold. In such a situation, frankly speaking, both are dangerous, but beedi smokers have many times more risk of diseases than cigarette smokers.

Bidi is more prevalent in rural areas.
If we talk about our country, smoking is a big problem for health in our country. Not puffed cigarettes, the practice of beedi in rural areas of the country is fraught with risk. Due to this, people are suffering from many types of diseases. A report of Global Adult Tobacco Survey India came in 2016-17. In which it was told that in India, about 267 million adult people aged 15 years and above consume tobacco. Khaini, gutkha, tobacco and zarda are used more than tobacco in the country. Let us tell you that chewing tobacco causes mouth cancer.

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