Why is e-cigarette dangerous even though it does not contain tobacco? What diseases can it cause?

Electronic cigarettes are available in many shapes in the market. For example, some look like USB drives and some look like pens. E-cigarette sellers claim that if you want to quit or reduce smoking, you can use e-cigarettes. However, according to the ‘Food and Drug Administration’ (FDA), it does not contain tobacco. Despite not being there, it is much more dangerous. Because it contains many types of poisonous chemicals.  United States federal law does not allow the sale of tobacco to people under the age of 21. However, vaping remains…

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Is beedi more dangerous or cigarette? find out today

Smoking Side Effects: How dangerous things like cigarettes and beedis are for the body is printed on their packets. When you are inhaling it, you are inviting deadly diseases like cancer. However, even after knowing how dangerous it is, those who are fond of drinking it are unable to give it up. In such a situation, this question arises in the minds of many people that beedi would be more dangerous or cigarette? Let us know the answer to this question today. Is beedi or cigarette dangerous?In India, there are…

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reasons why you should immediately quit smoking

Smoking Effects: Everyone knows how dangerous smoking is, yet people still do it. This dangerous habit is also increasing rapidly among the youth, because they see it as an easy way to become cool. Unaware of how dangerous smoking can prove to be for them. Very few people know that along with nicotine, cigarette smoke contains about 7,000 other chemicals. Some of these chemicals come from burning tobacco leaves, while some remain active in the form of compound chemicals, which cause deep and harmful changes in the body. Not only…

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health tips e cigarette and normal cigarette side effects in hindi

E-cigarettes vs Smoking: Smoking cigarettes is harmful for health. This can cause many diseases. The risk of lung cancer and heart attack increases due to cigarette smoking. However, nowadays to avoid this, the trend of e-cigarettes has increased. People consider it to be less harmful and safer than normal cigarettes. This is the reason why its craze is also increasing rapidly among the youth. But is e-cigarette really harmful? Let us know… Difference between e-cigarette and normal cigarette According to health experts, e-cigarette is a type of electronic nicotine delivery…

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If you have not yet given up the habit of smoking cigarettes, then be alert, this serious disease is knocking at your door.

Smoking Side Effects: If you also smoke, then quit it immediately, otherwise you may become a victim of a fatal disease. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is increasing rapidly due to smoking. Its patients are increasing rapidly in many states of the country. These include Himachal Pradesh, Haryana, Uttarakhand and Jammu and Kashmir. The number of patients suffering from this disease in hospitals is continuously increasing. Most of them are above 40 years of age. According to reports, smoking is the cause of 8 out of 10 deaths related to…

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Health Tips Non Smoker Women May At Risk Of Lung Cancer Says Study

Smoking and Lung Cancer: Smoking is considered to be the biggest cause of lung cancer. Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and small cell lung cancer (SCLC) are the two main types of lung cancer. NSCLC occurs less frequently and usually grows rapidly, while SCLC is more common and grows more slowly. A study published in The Lancet has told about the family history of lung cancer. Which tells about the increase in the development of a specific type of this disease. Cigarette smoking is the main cause of lung cancer,…

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Scientists Discover Smoking Side Effect On Brain Damage

Smoking Effects On Brain: Smoking has very bad effects on our health. This can lead to the risk of many serious diseases including cancer, heart attack and stroke. Despite being aware of its dangers, some people are unable to give up the habit of smoking. By the way, everyone associates smoking with lung diseases. But do you know that this habit can also damage your brain? Actually we are not saying this, rather this disclosure has been made in a study. It has been said in the study that the…

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Vaping Side Effects Can Cause Lung Damage

Vaping Side Effects Long-Term: Vaping is also a type of addiction. The way people fulfill their intoxication by smoking cigarettes. Vaping is done to satisfy the addiction. A very dangerous case related to vaping has come to light in Virginia, US. Lungs of a vaping addicted youth got damaged 4 times. The young man has shared his story with the local media. He has claimed that his lungs were damaged four times due to vaping. The young man told this story Draven Hatfield, 19, says he started vaping when he…

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No Smoking Day 2023 Is Celebrated Every Second Wednesday In March

No Smoking Day 2023: Smoking is a dangerous to health. Must have read this slogan written many times. Must have heard from people’s mouth too. Smoking cigarettes, bidis and other tobacco products has a serious effect on a person’s health. Due to smoking, the lungs become weak and people start struggling with various respiratory diseases. Asthma is one of those serious diseases. Once you become asthmatic, you have to suffer from this disease for the rest of your life. No Smoking Day is observed every year on the second Wednesday…

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