benefits of banana use it like this boon for skin banana face pack

As we all know, banana is a delicious and nutritious fruit, which is considered very beneficial for health. It contains nutrients like vitamins, minerals and fiber, which are very important for health. It is considered very beneficial for health as well as skin. By using it, people can enhance the beauty of their face and get rid of pimples and spots. Benefits of banana for skin Banana contains potassium, which helps a lot in moisturizing the skin. It has the power to fight acne and helps a lot in making…

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want instant glow on face then use these things kept at home skin care tips in summer

If your skin has become dull in the summer days and you want to make it glow, then this news is for you. You no longer need to buy expensive products from the market, because now you can get instant glow by using these things kept at home. Let’s know about those things. use these things Everyone wants to make their face beautiful, people try many things for this. But still they do not see any effect. In such a situation, now you can use the curd kept in the…

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Even after applying perfume, the body smells of sweat? Then definitely follow these tips

Sweating is a problem during summer, in such a situation, we never know when it becomes a cause of embarrassment. People get worried due to constant body odor. If you are also worried about this, then this news is for you. Today we will tell you some tips, by following which you can get rid of the smell of sweat, let us know about those tips. Use of lemon If your underarms If it smells too much, you can use lemon. You have to rub a lemon slice on the…

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makeup adopt these tips to remove spread kajal from your eyes

Most of the women like to apply kajal on their eyes, but their kajal gets spread during or after applying kajal. It is a bit difficult to remove this spread kajal, due to which girls get worried. If you also get troubled by the spread of kajal, then this news is for you. Today we will tell you some such tips, by following which you can easily clean the kajal from the face. Let us know about those tips. Follow these tips You can use aloe vera gel to clean…

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Summer Skin Care coconut water benefits for health and skin best drink in summer

It is very important to take care of the skin during summer. In such a situation, most of the people start having problems like pimples. To avoid this, you can include coconut water in your diet. By doing this, both your skin and body will have many benefits during summer. Let us know about the benefits of drinking coconut water. benefits of coconut water Coconut water cools the body and mind during the summer season, it is a cool beverage. It has not just one but many benefits, like coconut…

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You too do not exercise after makeup, leave this habit immediately, otherwise your facial skin will get spoiled.

Skin Care: Should one exercise after makeup or not? Actually, many types of chemicals are found in makeup products, which can damage the skin. In such a situation, if you are exercising by applying makeup in order to enhance your beauty, then change this habit immediately. Recently a journal of cosmetic dermatology was published. In which it was told how much damage can be caused to the skin by doing this. Let us know the points of this study… Do not exercise after makeup In this research, the moisture level,…

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Beauty Tips get glow on face at home these vegetables best for skin

Most people go to parlor to look beautiful, but going to parlor every month can affect your pocket. This question comes in the mind of many people that can they get parlor like glow at home? If you also have the same question in your mind, then this news is for you. Today we will tell you about some vegetables, with the help of which you can bring glow on your face. Let us know about those vegetables. Use these vegetables There are many fruits and vegetables available around us,…

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follow these tips for removing blackness from face

As soon as summer arrives, people’s skin starts getting affected. There is more sweating during summer, due to which the skin becomes sticky and black. Most people remain troubled by this blackness. If your skin has also started turning black in summer, then this news is for you. Let us know about some home remedies with the help of which you can protect your skin from turning black in summer. Follow these tips As soon as the summer season arrives, the sun starts shining brightly, which causes sweating and many…

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want treatment for oily skin then start using these home remedies

Most of the people are troubled by oily skin. Especially as summer approaches, they have to face more problems. People make many efforts to control oily skin. But still there is no effect. If you also want to get rid of oily skin and make your skin glowing, then you can try some easy home remedies. get rid of oily skin Oily skin is a common problem, which can cause other problems like acne, blackheads and pimples. But with the help of some home remedies, you can get relief from…

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Summer Skincare: Moisturizer alone will not be enough to keep the skin hydrated in summer, take care like this

Summer is here and with it the time has come to give priority to skin care. Especially considering the dryness that comes with this season, applying moisturizer alone will not be enough. Excess sunlight can dehydrate our body and increase dry skin. Especially if very harsh products are used on the skin. Therefore, we are going to tell you what you can do to keep your skin healthy this summer. How to take care of your skin in summer: 1 . Cleansing, Toning and Moisturizing (CTM): Start by following the…

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