health tips fish oil supplements harmful for heart may increase heart attack stroke risk

Fish Oil Supplements : People are eating something which is considered beneficial for their heart health, but it is putting them at risk of heart attack. We are talking about fish oil supplements rich in omega 3 fatty acids. It is believed that these supplements are beneficial in preventing heart disease but a recent study has revealed something shocking. Researchers claim that fish oil supplements are harmful for heart health. This increases the risk of dangerous cardiovascular diseases like heart attack and stroke. It can also be fatal. Risk of…

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What is the level of high blood pressure risk of heart attack and stroke

When the doctor goes to the doctor, the first thing he does is check the patient’s blood pressure. Because according to the doctor, diseases can be detected by blood pressure. Whereas if there is any serious disease, then the doctor prescribes medicine according to the blood pressure. But do you know what is the level of high blood pressure? Today we will tell you what is the level of high blood pressure and when there is a risk of heart attack and stroke. high blood pressure As age increases, it…

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health tips what is post stroke depression know its treatment in hindi

Post Stroke Depression : Stroke is very dangerous. Sometimes it can also be fatal. Stroke badly affects not only the body but also the mind. The problem of post stroke depression has been seen in many patients after stroke, which doctors consider to be very serious. Therefore, it is advised to get it checked from time to time. Let us know what is post stroke depression and what is its treatment… Causes of post stroke depression Going into depression after stroke is called post stroke depression. Not just one but…

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can temperature change cause a brain stroke read full article

Brain Stroke: It is extremely hot and in such a situation the risk of brain stroke is increasing significantly. According to a study published in ‘Neurology Journal’, whenever there are fluctuations in temperature, the risk of brain stroke increases. This study has revealed that whenever there have been fluctuations in temperature since 1990, cases of brain stroke have increased rapidly due to this. The reason behind this is being said to be climate change. If you want to avoid brain stroke then take special care of these things Why does…

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So due to this the risk of stroke is increasing among the youth, shocking revelation in the study

Stroke: Stroke is such a dangerous condition, which can become fatal. Due to unbalanced lifestyle and eating habits, the risk of stroke is increasing nowadays. However, there can be many other reasons for this also. A recent study has made a shocking revelation. In which it has been said that some non-traditional factors can also become the cause of stroke. Migraine is also included in these. Let us know what the study is… What does the study say? A study published in Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes states that the risk…

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what is the biggest risk factor for post stroke depression

Brain Stroke: Stroke not only affects the body but also the mind. Many reports have revealed that due to stroke, many people become victims of diseases like depression. Today we will tell you in detail through this article. Data on depression after stroke According to a British research, 87.9 percent of depression after stroke occurs within 5 years. It becomes clear from this study that after stroke, one should keep getting checked for depression. Risk of depression increases by 59 percent after stroke This research, which lasted for 18 years,…

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zerodha nitin kamath had suffers mild stork and inform how is his situation now

Nitin Kamath Stroke: Nitin Kamat, founder and CEO of trading company Zerodha, recently had to suffer a mild stroke. While giving this information on social media platform X, Nitin Kamat has said that he had suffered a mild stroke six weeks ago. While giving an update on his health, Nitin has also told what were the reasons behind his mild stroke. This caused stroke Nitin has given this information to the public through a post in this regard on his official handle on Twitter. In the post, Nitin has written…

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If you want to avoid diabetes type 2 then follow WHO’s advice, the risk will reduce by 30-40%.

Diabetes Causes: The risk of diabetes is increasing rapidly. To avoid this, people are adopting various measures. Also focusing on healthy lifestyle and eating habits. Meanwhile, a research by WHO, International Diabetes Federation (IDF) and Newcastle University has told about a habit, quitting which can reduce the risk of diabetes by 30 to 40 percent. According to this research, the risk of developing type 2 diabetes can be reduced by quitting smoking. Smoking not only protects against type 2 diabetes, but also reduces the risk of its worsening. Apart from…

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Stroke Risk In People Who Snore More Know What Is The Solution Of This Problem

Many people have the habit of snoring while sleeping. By the way, it is common to see such effects along with aging. But a study suggests that people who snore are almost twice as likely to have a stroke as compared to quiet sleepers. Irish researchers have found that snorers have a higher risk of stroke. About 4500 elderly people were included in this study. The study looked at whether sleep problems were associated with the likelihood of suffering a stroke. According to The Sun report, Dr Christine McCarthy of…

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Lisa Loring Death The Original Wednesday Addams Star Lisa Loring Died Of Stroke

Lisa Loring Death: Noted actress Lisa Loring, who played The Original Wednesday Addams in The Addams Family in the 1960s, has passed away. His daughter Vanessa Faumberg told The Hollywood Reporter that he died of a stroke caused by high blood pressure. Recently, Jenna Ortega, who played the character in the TV series ‘Wednesday’, expressed her respect for the actress through a post on Instagram. The original Wednesday Addams star Lisa Loring dies of stroke High blood pressure can lead to rupture or blockage of arteries leading to stroke, which…

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