Are you also making this mistake while preparing for the board exam? Your health may deteriorate and it may be difficult to give the paper.

Board Exam 2024: Board exams for 10th-12th are about to start. Many board examinations including CBSE are starting from 15th February. Because of this, children are busy studying day and night. There are many parents who have stopped their children’s outdoor activities in view of the exams, so that their focus remains on studies. Parents are right to be concerned, but sitting and studying for many hours is affecting the physical fitness of children. According to health experts, children are facing many problems due to sitting and studying all day…

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If your child is stressed about board exams, then release his tension in this way.

How To Release Exam Stress: By the end of February, board exams will start in almost all the states, for this the children have already started working hard and as the dates approach, the pressure on the children will also increase. Some children take so much pressure regarding board exams that they start getting stress and anxiety. In such a situation, how should parents reduce the stress of their children? Let us tell you some tips. Motivate to do something new It is important to study before board exams, but…

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Board Exam 2023 Preparing For Your Board Exam Than Follow These Smart Tricks To Get Good Marks

Board Exam 2023: The pressure of board exam is different as compared to other exams. Students collect information regarding the preparation for the preparation of this exam through different mediums. Along with the students, the parents also remain in tension regarding the paper of the child as to how the child will perform in the paper and what will be its result. With the changing times, now the way of studying has changed. Instead of spending hours and hours in thick books, people are now getting the important information present…

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