Do you also like to smell your partner’s clothes? Know the science behind it

Many times people have a habit of smelling the clothes after they have dried. Even in most households, partners smell each other’s clothes. We consider this habit to be a very common habit, but it is not a normal habit. Today we will tell you why most of the people smell their partner’s clothes and what is the reason behind it.  Sniffing clothes Most of the houses People smell their own or partner’s clothes. Even after washing clothes, many times people try to smell the cloth to know whether it…

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child healthcare tips here are symptoms of child depression

Due to increasing technology, busy life and changing environment, depression is now seen in the hands of small children along with their future. Nowadays, cases of depression have increased rapidly among youth as well as small children. Laughing, smiling, mischievous children touch everyone’s heart. People have this image of children in their minds. But when the child starts becoming silent, sad and alone then this problem becomes worrying. If there has been a sudden change in your child’s behaviour, then let us know how you can get them out of…

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Stress Free Tips: Stress and depression play the role of mental health, know 8 tips to live a tension free life.

Mental Health: Today life has become so busy and hectic that most of the people are struggling with mental problems like stress-depression. They remain immersed in worries all the time. Which has a direct impact on mental health, which can be quite harmful in the future. Worrying thoughts in the mind have a bad effect on mental health. If you are also among those people who are always worried, then know here the 8 most effective ways to avoid this…   8 amazing ways to get rid of anxiety    1.…

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What are the symptoms of migraine? What things should be kept in mind? know everything

Due to changing eating habits, diseases are increasing among people. One of these diseases is migraine, the problem of which is seen in most of the people. Migraine is a type of pain, which can occur in any part of the head. Earlier this disease used to occur in people up to 45 years of age, but now it can happen to anyone. Migraine is quite different from ordinary headache. It is very difficult to predict how long the headache caused by migraine lasts.  Symptoms of Migraine The pain of…

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Stress is the biggest reason behind skin damage, know what is psychodermatology?

Malvika Jain, founder of SEREKO, who is going to launch psychodermatology-geared products in the market. Because they believe that the biggest reason behind skin damage is stress. It has been proved in many researches that the skin is greatly affected by stress.  Psychodermatology is the link between mind and skin. When you are stressed, it causes problems with skin circulation and pimples as well as dry skin. Stress can also cause heart attack Stress can cause heart attack and heart is the smallest organ of the body while skin is…

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Why Self Love Is Important Never Underestimate These Five Signs

Reason’s for Depression: If we want our life to be good then it is most important for us to keep ourselves happy and we have to take care of self love and self care that what we like and what are the things that we should stay away from. But many times it happens that in the process of making others happy, you do your own harm and you yourself become a victim of loneliness, depression and stress. So let us tell you five such symptoms which you should never…

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Why does the body start sweating when stress and temperature rise? Know the disadvantages of excessive sweating

Excessive Sweating: The way passing urine and stool is the nature of the human body, in the same way sweating is also a natural process, but have you ever thought that as the temperature of the weather rises or If we start getting nervous about something, then why do we get sweaty, let us tell you what is the reason behind it. Why does the body sweat As we told that sweating is a normal process and it is also necessary for our body, because it helps in controlling the…

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People With Traumatic Childhood Often Grew Up To Be Angry Adults | Children who have a painful childhood grow up to be very angry.

It has been revealed in a research that children whose childhood is painful and full of anxiety and stress, those children grow up to become angry. The more trauma a child gets in childhood, the more angry they become as adults. Misbehaving with children not only affects their mental health, but also affects their social relationships. Not only this, the treatment of depression and tension of such people also becomes difficult. This study has been presented at the European Congress of Psychiatry in Paris. According to earlier research, more than…

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Women Do More Chatting On Whatsapp Than Men Affecting There Mental Health

WhatsApp Chatting For Mental Health: Once upon a time, the telephone was the only means of instant communication. On which women used to talk for hours. Now there are many platforms to talk. Facebook Instagram, Twitter and WhatsApp. In which WhatsApp has become the easiest and fastest means of chatting. According to the statistics of a mental health organization, women not only like to talk long and wide on WhatsApp, but they also do not mind typing messages. They can send longer messages than men. This has been revealed by…

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Slow Down Method Applying Brake On These Works Rid All Stress And Tension Know Wellness Astro Special

Wellness: In this race of competition, everyone’s life has become full of rush. While there are physical problems due to this, there is no less mental danger as well. It mainly causes depression and stress. To get rid of this, there is a need to put brakes on some work and there is a need to adopt your ‘slow down method’. What is Slow Down Method Here, taking a break in work does not mean that you get free from your schedule or spend less time with friends and family.…

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