empty stomach dry fruits side effects know about reason read full article in hindi

Dry Fruits Side Effects: Many people start the morning by eating dry fruits. But do you know that for some people doing this can be very harmful. Let us know why dry fruits should not be eaten on an empty stomach. Nowadays most people eat dry fruits on an empty stomach. According to doctors and health experts, there are many benefits of eating dry fruits and nuts every day on an empty stomach. However, today we will tell you what kind of diet should be taken in the morning, this…

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Why Does The Skin Of Almonds Peel Off When Soaked In Itno Water Know The Reason

Almond Facts: Eating nuts is very beneficial for health. However, there is a right way to eat them too. Different types of dry fruits come in dry fruits. Out of which one of the most popular nuts is ‘almond’. This is such a dry fruit, which has been eaten by everyone. It is used in different food items at home. If you are given a dry almond, and you are asked to peel it, you will sweat while peeling it, but the peel will not come off. Why doesn’t the…

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Raw Vs Soaked Nuts Which Is Healthier For You

Right way to eat nuts: According to the doctor or dietician, we should start the morning by eating dry fruits. Many people do not follow this, while there are some people who follow it very seriously. Now such a question arises that it is okay to eat dry fruits, but would it be better to eat them soaked or dry? Which of the two is more beneficial? Today we will answer all these questions through our article. Today we will talk about almonds, how it should be eaten. For your…

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