natural ways to increase your hemoglobin count read full article in hindi

If there is anemia, eat food items rich in iron. Like spinach, lentils, beans, tofu, lean meat, poultry, fish and fortified cereals. Food items rich in iron contain Vitamin C in abundance. Like citrus fruits, capsicum and tomato etc. Folate (vitamin B9) and vitamin B12 make red blood cells. Due to which the level of hemoglobin in the body increases. Include foods rich in folate, such as leafy vegetables, asparagus, and avocado, and sources of vitamin B12, such as eggs, dairy products, fish, and fortified cereals. Vegetarians and vegans eat…

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Deficiency of Heamoglobin can cause many diseases… Know how much hemoglobin should be there for women and men

Hemoglobin Level: Think what will happen if there is no blood in the body. You are thinking absolutely right. It is not possible to live even for a moment without blood. Blood is the basis of life. It is the transport system of the body. With the help of this, nutrients, hormones are supplied to every part of the body and the waste material keeps coming out of the body. Blood also does the work of controlling the pH and temperature of the body. Hemoglobin is found in the RBCs…

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