Why is e-cigarette dangerous even though it does not contain tobacco? What diseases can it cause?

Electronic cigarettes are available in many shapes in the market. For example, some look like USB drives and some look like pens. E-cigarette sellers claim that if you want to quit or reduce smoking, you can use e-cigarettes. However, according to the ‘Food and Drug Administration’ (FDA), it does not contain tobacco. Despite not being there, it is much more dangerous. Because it contains many types of poisonous chemicals.  United States federal law does not allow the sale of tobacco to people under the age of 21. However, vaping remains…

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health tips e cigarette and normal cigarette side effects in hindi

E-cigarettes vs Smoking: Smoking cigarettes is harmful for health. This can cause many diseases. The risk of lung cancer and heart attack increases due to cigarette smoking. However, nowadays to avoid this, the trend of e-cigarettes has increased. People consider it to be less harmful and safer than normal cigarettes. This is the reason why its craze is also increasing rapidly among the youth. But is e-cigarette really harmful? Let us know… Difference between e-cigarette and normal cigarette According to health experts, e-cigarette is a type of electronic nicotine delivery…

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