Why is e-cigarette dangerous even though it does not contain tobacco? What diseases can it cause?

Electronic cigarettes are available in many shapes in the market. For example, some look like USB drives and some look like pens. E-cigarette sellers claim that if you want to quit or reduce smoking, you can use e-cigarettes. However, according to the ‘Food and Drug Administration’ (FDA), it does not contain tobacco. Despite not being there, it is much more dangerous. Because it contains many types of poisonous chemicals.  United States federal law does not allow the sale of tobacco to people under the age of 21. However, vaping remains a serious problem among the youth. 

As you know, vaping is a fashion among young people. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), tobacco use among youth in America is increasing day by day.  

How are e-cigarettes made?< /strong>

In the year 2019, experts said that vaping can cause serious lung disease. Products like e-cigarettes and vaping cause great harm to the lungs. Due to which a dangerous disease like EVALI occurs.  According to CDC, till February 2020, 2,807 cases of dangerous disease like EVALI were reported out of which 68 deaths were confirmed. At present research is going on on this. 

E-cigarette is more dangerous than normal cigarette

E-cigarette is like a machine which produces cigarettes, cigars. , looks like a pipe, pen or USB drive. The liquid found inside it may be fruity or may smell of fruits. But the amount of nicotine in it can be quite high. For example, JUUL devices look like USB drives.

They appeared in the US market in 2015 and are now the best-selling brand of e-cigarettes in the country. Young generation uses it more. Which is a matter of concern. Its refills can be found in the flavors of cucumber, mango and mint. Which can look very natural and organic. But for your information, let us tell you that one refill contains as much nicotine as a pack of 20 cigarettes. This is how e-cigarette works. p>Mouthpiece: It is a cartridge fitted at the end of a tube. Inside is a small plastic cup which contains liquid. Which contains many substances. 

Atomizer: It heats the liquid, which creates vapor so that the person can inhale the smoke. 

Battery: Battery mouthpiece It works to heat the liquid inside. 

Sensor: The heater becomes active when the user sucks the device. 

Solution: E-liquid , or e-juice contains nicotine, a base, usually propylene glycol, and adds flavor. 

When the user sucks on the mouthpiece, a heating element turns the liquid into vapor. Is. Which a person inhales or exhales through breath.  Nicotine is present in very high quantity in the liquid. 

E-cigarettes contain not only nicotine but also this dangerous element which can cause cancer

E-cigarettes contain nicotine. Which is very dangerous because its addiction is not a good thing. The American Lung Association found in its research that apart from nicotine, e-cigarettes also contain many poisonous substances. 

Carcinogens – such as acetaldehyde and formaldehyde which can cause serious diseases like cancer.  

Acrolein, a weed killer that can cause irreversible damage to the lungs. 

Benzene, a compound in car exhaust

Diacetyl, bronchiolitis Contains a chemical that can cause serious illnesses like popcorn lung. 

Propylene glycol, used in antifreeze.

Hazardous substances like lead and cadmium< /p>

Microscopic particles which enter the lungs can cause many serious diseases. 

Which disease is at risk?

Along with cancer, heart, lungs as well as brain related serious diseases can occur. If you too are addicted to smoking e-cigarette then quit it today.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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